Soul Coaching® and Angel Card Readings
My mentor and teacher Denise Linn writes, “Do you know what your Soul is trying to tell you right now? Are you aware of daily guidance from within? Do you know who you are, why you’re here, and what your mission is in life? The Soul Coaching® Oracle Cards can answer these questions by providing a powerful pathway to the authentic messages from your Soul.”
I have found that the Soul Coaching® Oracle Card method which combines spiritual coaching with intuitive reading, is very profound, inspiring, gentle and empowering, while the Angel Cards provide gentle and divine guidance. Those who have received readings have found them accurate and very helpful.
All readings can be done in person, via Skype, telephone or email. Use the contact form to ask for more information. How may I serve your Soul today?
Customized Spiritual Guidance in your Inbox!
What is the landscape of your personal spiritual life? Who is there to guide you and nurture you on your journey? What is the next right action to take to manifest a life of health, abundance and happiness?
Every month, receive an emailed customized document that will provide you with insight as well as questions to consider as you seek to understand yourself and your purpose in the world. The oracle cards chosen for you will provide you with insight as well as questions to consider as you seek to understand yourself and your purpose in the world. They may highlight patterns that need to be shifted, or influences that have brought you to where you are now or that will guide you in your next step. I include “spiritual assignments” such as affirmations, journaling and practices to support and empower you as you work through your issues. Bloom and thrive as your most wonderful self!
Remember that Creator gave you freedom of choice: you decide, on a daily basis, how you want to work with the energies available to you. What is outlined in this reading may differ from how you choose to manifest your reality. You have the capacity, and the responsibility, to co-create your life in the best way possible to learn your own life lessons amidst the joys and challenges life brings. You are the driver of your life; Destiny and Fate can bring people and situations together, but the way you participate in life and react to people, situations, or opportunities is totally up to you.
Oracles cards are helpers showing you what lies just out of your line of physical sight. They help bridge the gap between the unseen and the material. Use them wisely to illuminate your path as you travel along your own journey of life. Connect to Divine Consciousness, and allow them to guide you to make choices that are in line with your highest good.
Monthly Oracle Guidance Programs
The Oracle Guidance Program combines Oracle Card Readings and Spiritual Coaching, for 1 hour each month, to provide you with clarity of purpose and strategy in manifesting your heart's desire and life mission. I will select Reading Spreads that best suit your needs and support your continued, soulful development. These Readings can be done via email, phone, Skype or in-person.
Click here to preview payment plans and to purchase the program that serves your Soul.
There are *almost* as many ways to read cards as there are card readers! This fact can make Oracle art a bit confusing to say the least! Below are some examples of traditional card spreads, and the purpose or question they serve best. The more there are cards, the more time will be necessary for interpretation and channeling your answers. Use the contact form to send me an email; indicate you wish to discuss the type of reading that would best serve your soul, or that you're ready to book your appointment. Gift certificates are available.
One-Card Reading
- To focus your intention and energy in the morning
- During meditation, attune yourself to the energy of the card
- To gain understanding and clarity of the energy at play for the next 24 hours and/or for one specific question or concern
- Use with any of the questions listed in the section above, or explore what your soul wants you to know with these further questions:
- What quality shall I nurture in myself to move to a positive outcome?
- If there was one specific course of action I could take to help me (heal this wound, enhance this relationship, meet this challenge, solve this issue...) what would it be?
- What lesson is my soul learning through this challenge?
- What (quality, course of action, behaviour) would be my greatest ally in this situation?
Three-Card Reading
Select the method that will best answer your question or concern:
- Past - Present - Future: CARD 1: insights on how you have tried to deal with this situation in the past, or on a past event or decision that has lead to the current situation. CARD 2: insight on your current energy, ally or perspective. CARD 3: insight on the most likely outcome
- Spiritual Counseling: CARD 1: the emotional or mental blockage; CARD 2: how to heal this blockage; CARD 3: the likely outcome of the situation if you follow the advice that was given in the first two cards.
- Shifting Vibration: CARD 1 helps define the issue or concern; CARD 2 provides insight on the spiritual ally or quality that can best help shift the situation to a higher vibration; CARD 3 represents the most likely outcome if you follow the advice and work with your spiritual helper.
- Relationship: CARD 1: the energy the other person brings to the relationship; CARD 2: the energy you bring to the relationship; CARD 3: how you can grow together
- Body-Mind-Spirit: each card in turn expresses various facets of your personality, to help you see more clearly in a situation and come to an enlightened decision.
- Decision: CARD 1: the "pro" or benefit of a particular course of action or path; CARD 2: the "con" or liability; CARD 3: additional information you need to know or may wish to consider
- Gaining Clarity: Holding one situation, issue or decision in your heart, CARD 1 represents the answer; CARD 2 brings clarity or a course of action; CARD 3 brings an additional layer of clarity
Five-Card Reading
- Messages from your Spirit Guides: Gather 'round your spirit helpers to receive guidance and blessings! CARD 1: represents you and your energy at the time of the reading; CARD 2 represents a message of blessing from the angel realm; CARD 3 brings a message from Mother Earth and the elementals; CARD 4 brings messages from your Master Guide and past-life guardians and can bring light from your Akashic record; CARD 5 brings messages and blessings from your ancestors and spiritual "tribe".
- Resolving a conflict, concern or situation: Card 1: Helps clarity the question or issue; Card 2: Past influences or background that led to this situation or question; Card 3: Your energy, how you've attempted to deal with this situation or answer this question in the past - or your main character flaw or strength that will most influence the outcome; Card 4: impact or influence of others and the environment in the unfolding of the situation; Card 5: The appropriate action to take at this time for the best outcome.
- What Now Spread: Card 1: Your present life direction; Card 2: The lesson you are now learning; Card 3: What you are moving toward; Card 4: What are your long-term objectives; Card 5: What your soul wants you to know to obtain this objective
- Life Purpose Layout: Card 1: What you have learned in the past; Card 2: What you currently learning; Card 3: What is your next step; Card 4: How you can help others; Card 5: Your life purpose
- Five Card Cross: Card 1: The issue; Card 2: Subconscious influences; Card 3: Conscious influences; Card 4: What to do next; Card 5: The answer
- Monthly Spread: The first 4 cards represent the energy and lessons that will be most prevalent each week, while the fifth card provides an overview of the month
- Insights into a situation: Card 1: The present or general theme of the reading; Card 2: Past influences still having effect; Card 3: The future; Card 4: The reason behind the question (may give insights into Card 2); Card 5: The potential in the situation.
- Chakra Health Reading: starting at the base, each card represents the wellbeing or challenge currently experienced in each chakra and provides a good overview of your overall energy, body-mind-spirit.
- Past, Present, Future: shed light on questions concerning both short-term and long term issues. The first two cards represent the background of your question or concern and events in the recent past that have brought this concern to your attention; the next three cards represent what your soul want you to know at this time (lessons, qualities, strengths, help required); and the last two cards represents the most likely outcome in the near future if you follow the advice.
- Weekly Reading: Each of the seven card represents in turn the energy of each day of the upcoming week.
- Abundance Spread: Card 1: What childhood beliefs about money do you have? Card 2: What current limiting beliefs about money do you have? Card 3: What blocks do you have toward abundance? Card 4: What does your soul want you to know about your beliefs around money? Card 5: What is your next best step? Card 6: What do you need to avoid? Card 7: How do you maintain the flow of abundance?
- Seven Influential Cards: Card 1: Past influences; Card 2: Current influences; Card 3: Future influences; Card 4: Action to take; Card 5: External influences; Card 6: Hopes and Challenges; Card 7: Outcome
- Seven Cards for Love: Card 1: How you see yourself; Card 2: How you see your partner; Card 3: How you feel about your partner; Card 4: Present situation or challenge of the relationship; Card 5: What blockages are between you and your partner; Card 6: How your partner sees you; Card 7: What your partner feels about you
- Animal Companion Spread Card 1: What your pet wants you to know; Card 2: Their health right now; Card 3: How to improve their health; Card 4: Their feelings right now; Card 5: How you can make them happier; Card 6: What your pet wants right now; Card 7: Overview of their life and life purpose with you
10-Card Celtic Cross Reading
- A classic spread providing a holistic "snapshot" of your current energy and of your current question or situation.
12-card + Year-at-a-glance Reading
- Gain insights as to the flow of the coming months. Learn about the energies and life lessons that will be most significant for you in the year ahead to help you gracefully navigate the ups and downs of daily life. Tune into your inner compass and allow Spirit to guide your actions and decisions. Connect to the flow of Nature and the seasons.
- Each reading includes a 12-month Medicine Wheel spread, followed by a monthly reading (13+ pages). You will receive it by email in .pdf format. It takes me a minimum of 10 hours to lovingly prepare each document and meditate on Spirit's guidance for you in the months ahead.
- When you order this Reading, please specify whether you would prefer the Oracle Reading in English or in French. Also specify if you have specific healing intentions, e.g. family, health, work, relationships, etc.
- A great gift for birthdays and the New Year!
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