Monday, 23 June 2014

A Reading for the Summer Solstice

I spent time in meditation and soaking up the sun during this Summer Solstice, and I was guided to share a quick video with you where I asked Spirit how we could best manifest more abundance in our life.  After all, the sun and the solstice are celebrations of life in abundance!  Enjoy the Reading.

Much Love from my heart to yours!

Friday, 20 June 2014

Oh Joy! Soul Coaching (R) Master Oracle Card Reader

I have attended all classes (and re-listened to the audio a few times!); I have completed all my homework and all meditations, I have sent in my paperwork...  and today...

I received an email from my teacher Denise Linn:

"Congratulations! I'm so very delighted to let you know that I have received your licensing agreement and you are now a certified Soul Coaching® Master Oracle Card Reader Practitioner!! Well done!"

Woot! Woot! Celebration time!!

A huge thanks to all who have supported me and received Readings this year; you have helped me reach this goal!

Now, who would like a Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Reading?  I am ready to take your call!

From my heart to yours. xo

Sunday, 8 June 2014